Portfolio of Studio Leith

“Cooks Hill Residence”

The Newcastle Terrace! Only 4m of width to work with here to expand and recreate a family home. Perceptions of space, the ability to bring in natural light and creating multi-functional room solutions are all critical to the success of this project.


Alterations & additions to existing terrace house

Dual storey in Newcastle, NSW, Australia
House Suburb: Cooks Hill

Builder: Owner Builder

About this client’s build

A complete gut job of the ground floor to increase the flow from front to rear within the narrow footprint. This enlarges the spatial feel of the home, counteracts the narrow nature of the plan and provides outlook through the terrace all the way through to the rear yard.

Upstairs, the existing frontage and landing space is reworked into a flexible move-through room that accesses the dedicated new rear extension featuring a grand master bedroom space given the proportions of the property. Fun.

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