Portfolio of Studio Leith

“Tacoma Residence”

On a site featuring both flood and bushfire prone regulations, there were environmentally driven solutions required in siting this large home. Sprawling accommodation across both levels called for careful consideration of planning volumes to ensure passive design techniques were intertwined.


New 2 storey dwelling house

Dual storey in Central Coast, NSW, Australia
House Suburb: Tacoma

Builder: TBC

About this client’s build

Needing to raise both the garage and habitable ground floor levels above minimum RL requirements, the main entry and living areas hovered well above natural ground levels and spilled out to large outdoor decks. Centrally to the plan featured a large dedicated stair void & bridge to break up the planning volumes both vertically and horizontally.

The accommodation on either side of this void was then able to be configured within pavilion style wings that featured their own sunlight, cross ventilation, viewing and external architectural form strategies.

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